

If the reactor never executed, you can check the notifications are working by posting notifications to PostBin using the script in the abaco_notifications directory:

assocationIds = 344770698063965720-242ac112-0001-002
notification id: 8583029518113566230-242ac118-0001-011
notification url:

You can re-upload the file and check the requestbin url to see if it receives the notification:

# tapis files upload agave:// reads1.fastq.gz
tapis files upload agave://$SYSTEM/$PATH/ $FILE

You can go to the PostBin URL to see all the requests, and to get more information about a specific request you can copy/paste the Request ID into a browser in this format:


Added to many notificatons? You can delete them individually with:

tapis notifications delete $NOTIFICATON_ID

Or, if you just want to git rid of all your notifications, you can run:

tapis notifications list -c id  -f value | xargs -n 1 tapis notifications delete


If the reactor executed, but did not launch your app, you can check the reactor logs:

tapis actors execs logs $ACTOR_ID $EXECUTION_ID

You can then edit your or config.yml as needed, and redeploy the actor. If you want to redeploy your reactor but don’t want to re-create the notification, you can deploy your reactor to the same actor id with:

# tapis actors deploy -I X4blX3Ez65qQZ
tapis actors deploy -I $ACTOR_ID


If the app launched, but you are not getting the output you expect, you can check the app logs. Run jobs-list to find the relevant job_ID, then you can run:

# tapis jobs outputs download 485458bc-335d-4d05-ae30-70de2583b6d5-007
tapis jobs show $JOB_ID
# and check the lastStatusMessage
tapis jobs outputs download $JOB_ID
# and check the .err and .our files